Taylor Stakes

Award Winning Marketing & Communications Leader

Using Wipster in a Collaborative Post Production Workflow

I've always wanted to start a blog  and talk about video production and using video in marketing.  As one of the fastest growing mediums for marketers video is a constantly changing medium. From how we shoot and edit video, to how we post the final product.  I want this blog to become a place where I can  review the tools I use, or talk about something I'm doing that really changes the way I'm shooting, or editing a project. I also want it to be a blog where I can learn about how to make a better end product. 

So, I decided to start with a tool I absolutely love. Wipster

As a media producer there is no question your work is going to be reviewed. Working with many different clients, it is important to have a streamlined workflow in order to keep all projects organized. One of the biggest pains in video production is the client review process. No matter how big or small a project there is always going to be feedback from the client. Using email, vimeo, youtube, word of mouth, sticky notes, and other forms of various feedback made the process even more time consuming. Even worse, this process could lead to missed feedback, mistakes, and an upset client. About a year ago I came across a small company called "Wipster" from New Zealand who claimed to solve all of these issues. I gave them a try and was blown away with how simple it was to use. 

We started using Wipster for every video production project at Trinity University. Because our offices are all over campus Wipster gave us the ability to collaboratively work on a project simultaneously. All I do is upload a video file and we are able to comment directly on the video. Frame by frame. It's so simple to use and the email Wipster sends to your team or other individuals you want to review your video explains just how simple it is to use Wipster.

 Screen shot of a video with comments from my team


Screen shot of a video with comments from my team

There are countless ways Wipster has truly changed the video production game. You no longer need to send an email to a client with a link to a vimeo password protected video. Only to have the client email you back an incoherent email about "making changes to the third scene where the music changes just after the text" (wait what?). It makes the creative process so much easier especially working with a team. Instant feedback is something I really appreciate and bouncing ideas off my co-workers who are a 15 minute walk away has become so much easier because of Wipster.

So, if you are video editor, producer, filmmaker, or do any type of video production work that requires feedback, or collaboration I'd highly recommend you checking out Wipster.  Have you used Wipster? What are your thoughts?
